
Additional information

Entering the Country and Temporary Stay Permit


All information on regulations and procedures regarding visas and temporary stay of foreigners in Serbia are available online on the website of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia:


Entry Visa

There are many nationalities which do not need any entry visa for Serbia. However, please see the following link to check whether your nationality requires entry visa for Serbia:
Even though nationals of some countries (not everyone) may enter the Republic of Serbia with their ID cards only, students/staff on exchange are required to have with themselves their valid passports to be able to obtain mandatory temporary say visa, and therefore are strongly recommended to use it when entering the country as well.

General entry requirements:

In case you do need visa, here are the general visa requirements:

Visa applications should be submitted to the Embassy or Consulate General of the Republic of Serbia abroad. Also, if you have any questions or concerns regarding entering the RS or your temporary stay as student/staff, we strongly recommend you ask your local Embassy of the Republic of Serbia for help. At the following link you can find the list of Serbian embassies around the world:


Temporary Stay

As an academic exchange visitor, you will need to obtain your temporary stay visa (residence permit) for legal stay in the Republic of Serbia during your exchange.

On the following link you can find the general list of required documents, as well as specific documents for the stay related to academic exchange purpose (enrollment/attendance certificate from the University):

After registering at the International Relations Office of the University of Belgrade, you are obliged to register the Office for Foreigners of the Ministry of Interior, submitting the following:
- 2 photos
- Certificate from the University of Belgrade
- Certificate from the Ministry of Education
- Certificate from the Faculty of the University of Belgrade (school you will be attending)
- Form No. 8 (request for issuing a temporary stay visa – for foreign citizens - in Serbian: Zahtev za izdavanje boravišne vize – za strance) 3 copies, printed two-sided
- Proof of Accommodation (a certificate from the housing provider /hostel, dormitory, etc/, or personal presence of the flat owner in case of a private accommodation)
- CV in Serbian (The MIA RS Office for Foreigners reserves the right to ask for any additional documents, information or payments)



Student Dormitory

With the kind support of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia and the Student’s Centre Belgrade, the University of Belgrade is able to offer paid accommodation in the Student Dormitory “Rifat Burdžević”.

"Rifat Burdžević" hall of residence is located at Мilаnа Rаkićа 77, at Zvеzdаra.

"Rifat Burdžević" was built in 1948. One part of the capacity is meant for accommodating foreign students. Thanks to the international exchange of students which functions on the principles of reciprocity, each year this hall is visited by students mostly from Western Europe, Asia and North America. All rooms for foreign students are of the 1st category, with the characteristics of a small apartment.

This hall of residence can accommodate 367 students in single, double and triple bedrooms of the 2nd category.

Rooms have beds, desks, chairs, lamps, cupboards, shelves, a direct phone line, connection for satellite dish and internet. Within the hall there is a porter`s lodge, laundry rooms, a student restaurant, an info kiosk, a commercial restaurant, store and reading-room.

The hall has video surveillance.

Video report on the RF hall (in Serbian):

* The Student’s Centre reserves the right to change the dormitory, due to availability.
* Number of available rooms/places is limited.


Rented Accomodation

Visitors can rent their own accommodation (for approximate prices, please see “Costs of Living” section of the guide). The University of Belgrade does not mediate in renting private accommodation, but there are numerous online resources for finding accommodation.

As an Erasmus exchangee, you can contact the INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE ERASMUS STUDENT NETWORK in Belgrade and ask for help on getting around in Belgrade:



Cost of Living

Please note that all costs listed in this document are approximate estimates only and are intended to help students plan their financial resources.

Actual expenditures can significantly vary depending on individual spending habits, and, of course, whether one plans to live alone or with flat mates.

We estimate that students need an average of €450-600 per month per person to cover their accommodation costs, costs of utilities, meals, city transportation, some necessary personal expenses and incidentals.

Instruction materials and textbooks are not included, as each school of the University of Belgrade has its own required literature, and the prices vary. Please see more under the “Costs of studying”.

Accommodation and Utilities

Prices of the housing in a student dormitory vary depending on the number of persons sharing the room. Approximately, single-bed room per person per month costs €420; double-bed room per person per month costs €350, while triple-bed room per person per month costs €220. All utilities included.

Rented accommodation: Again, prices depend on the size, location and the condition of the rented flat. However, approximate price of a shared flat (e.g. 2 people) in the urban city area would be €250-300 + utilities (€100-150).


• Student dormitory: €6 per person per day for 3 meals (b/l/d)
• Lunch/Dinner at a local fast food / street food restaurant: €2-4
• Lunch/Dinner at a local pub/restaurant + one soft drink: €7-13
• Estimated cost of food (local shopping in addition to one meal at the student cafeteria or local restaurants): €40-70 per month

City Transportation

• Monthly transportation student pass: €15
• Single ticket: €0.7

Personal Incidentals

Personal care products, laundry and house cleaning products, and other: €20


Cost of Studying

Costs of studying depend on the specific status a foreign student has at the University of Belgrade.

Students who hold the scholarship of the Government of the Republic of Serbia do not pay tuition fees, they are granted free accommodation, free health insurance as well as discount prices in the student cafeteria.

Students, who independently enroll at the University of Belgrade, have to pay for the following (unless otherwise agreed and/or provided by the foreign visitor’s status):
E.g., in cases of some international exchange programs, students do not pay for the tuition fee.
Additional expenses might appear.

Tuition Fees

The University of Belgrade is comprised of 31 Member Faculty, organized in 4 groups: social sciences and humanities, medical sciences, sciences and mathematics and technology and engineering sciences.

Criteria for enrolment, as well as tuition fees vary from one faculty to another, since they function as independent units. In detail information on tuition fees and enrolment conditions for all study levels can be found on the web sites of the faculties - members of the University of Belgrade.

Web pages for each faculty can be found on the following link:

Textbooks and Instruction Materials

The type and the amount of required literature varies significantly, and therefore it would be the best to contact the faculty of interest and check the prices of literature per each year. However, our approximate estimate is €100-300 per student per year (depending on the Faculty and the study level).

Health Insurance

Monthly health insurance for foreign students: €66

National Health Insurance Fund:


Transport from the International Airport “Nikola Tesla”

Belgrade International Airport "Nikola Tesla"

There are a few travel options when traveling between Belgrade airport “Nikola Tesla” and the city center.

Mini bus A1 - Runs every 20 minutes. The end point is Slavija square (Trg Slavija). A ticket can be purchased from the bus driver at the price of 300 dinars.

GSP bus 72 – Runs every 30 minutes. The end point is Zeleni venac. A ticket can be purchased at a kiosk or from the bus driver at the price of 72 and 150 dinars, respectively.

You will find the bus stop just outside the terminal (-1 level).

You may also take a TAXI to your destination. Please make sure to order yourself a taxi at the Taxi Info stand at the airport. One of the stands is exactly in front of the exit door of the International Arrivals hall(-1 level). You will immediately get a receipt, and you will pay at the end of the ride.

Please be careful about independently taking among the many taxies waiting in front of the airport, as you might be overcharged.

Just in case, here are the contact details of some of the official city taxi companies, where you can prearrange your transport from the airport to the city center:
- (business service)


Transport by Car

If you decide to come to Serbia by car, you can find updated information on the roads in Serbia at the following link


Other Useful Information

The official currency of the Republic of Serbia is the dinar (RSD). In circulation there are:
• Coins: 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20 dinars
• Notes: 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 200, 1000 and 5000 dinars

The official exchange rate for EUR according to the National Bank of Serbia is about 122 RSD for 1 EUR.

Please see the official website of the NBS for accurate information:

Foreign currency can be exchanged in all banks and post offices, as well as in the many authorized exchange offices (in Serbian: „Menjačnica“).



Emergency Telephone Numbers

Police 192
Fire Department 193
Ambulance 194
Emergency Medical Centre, 2 Pasterova Street, 011/3618444,



The official website of the City of Belgrade:

Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia:

Tourist Organization of Belgrad:

National Tourism Organization of Serbia:

To read more about Belgrade, its history, tourist offer, please see the Belgrade Guide In Your Pocket(summer 2013):

Arts and cultural scene in Belgrade (in English):


Here you may download Information Guide for International Students in PDF.